what is reading stabilizer program ?

How many of you out there love to read, but every time you get in the car, nausea kicks in? Text Stabilizer (RS) is an application that helps you to reading in better way in shaking situation and avoids to getting in nausea. Best formula to static your words It takes the shaking of your hand with best mathematical formulas and make your word static. Works in every app or reading enviorments It does not depend on special application like pdf or RSS readers or browsers, it can be used in every application that you use to read in it! it works everywhere on your smart phone. Useful for every language Another property of text stablizer is it is not depend on what language that you read! it applies on all language! Share what you read in plus version you can share or email the picture of the page that you read, with your friends.

How to Avoid Nausea when Reading in the Car,Bus or others …

Pick an exciting book.

If you’re not totally absorbed in what you are reading, chances are, you’ll get sick. If the book you chose was a boring book, like a text book, read a little bit at a time and then stop. Just be sure to understand what you’re reading. It’s very easy to read the words, but not register them. It is best to pick a good book you like.

Start reading a few paragraphs at a time and then stop if you feel sick.

Even in the least bit. Continue with this, and gradually move up to a chapter at a time. There is motion sickness eye wear that may help if you get sick reading in the car.

Listen to audio books instead of reading.

There are many sources for abridged and unabridged books. The effect of reading can be accomplished while still driving or sitting as a passenger. The audio experience can be shared, especially during long trips, or personal by using an audio device such as an iPod or other MP3 device.

If you get sick, try looking out the window or move your legs around.

Looking at the horizon helps your body cope with movement. Also, try to get yourself moving. If that doesn’t work, get some cold air to blow on your face. Normally, that helps.

If there’s a rough patch in the road, stop reading and look up.

Look at the horizon again, until the road smooths out.

To avoid car sickness caused by motion outside the car, you may find relief from cupping your hands over the eyes before feeling ill, so you see only the inside of the car but no motion outside the car.

Make sure to keep the motion fully out of sight, as even a little motion can cause car sickness. This can also be accomplished with motion sickness eye wear, which blocks motion flashing by outside the car from the field of vision.

Use medication that prevents car sickness.

There are over-the-counter and prescription drugs that are effective against car sickness. Most of them contain dimenhydrinate, meclizine or scopolamine.Some popular brands are Dramamine and Bonine/Antivert. Look into the side effects before using any of these drugs (especially if you’re driving), and ask your doctor just in case. Some of these are available as patches and can be particularly helpful. Antihistamines can prevent nausea caused by motion sickness by dulling the inner ear’s motion sensors. This medication is able to block the part of the brain that controls nausea and needs to be taken before motion sickness occurs. Antihistamines can make you feel sleepy and affect your ability to operate machinery.

But the best way is …

Text Stabilizer application

so download it for FREE ...

and continue reading everywhere!

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